Garden Patio Villas - 55+ Community

7708 Margate Blvd., Margate, Florida

What Are My Property Boundaries?

Question: What are my property boundaries at Garden Patio Villas?

Answer: Garden Patio Villas was built in 1977. There were 5 different villa variations that were built by the Developer. The property boundaries of each villa is 40 feet wide by 66 feet long.

Owners have 40 feet width. (side to side) Exceptions include villas who are on the ends of any cluster building. These have an additional 5 feet from their villa wall.

Every villa in our Homeowners Association have property boundaries of 66 feet length. (front to back) When measured from the end of the walkway (by the street light) to the back of your villa property, you will see that your villa property boundaries end at the 15 foot mark past your inner villa wall.

In a nutshell, most owners own 15 ft in front and 15 feet in back with 36 feet in between that contains your villa, garage (port) and possibly side patio. This can vary based off of any additional modifications made to your villa from you or a previous owner. Many owner’s villa have a porch in back of the villa and/or cement pavers. This porch is part of the 66 feet. Due to owners confusion, years ago the Association called it the “15 foot rule.” Not all owners have 15 feet in back if modifications were done to their properties and they built onto their villa.

The easiest way to know the footage of your actual villa space (not adding the front or back space) is from the Property Appraisal website. Contact the Board if you need further directives how to find this information. When you count your footage, include wall space. Your total property boundaries lengthwise equals 66 feet. If anyone has modified the original villa, your total footage is still 66 feet.

Most non-modified villas have the following typical measurements :

Property Boundaries for Owners at Garden Patio Villas

Your property is a part of a community in Garden Patio Villas Association. Because we are a Homeowners Association, you have a restricted deed. That means that you are required to follow rules of the association that are in our Governing Documents.

Our Rules and Regulations state you must get Board approval if you want to plant or build anything. The Board needs to give you approval and confirm your villa property boundaries to build or plant and confirm it is not on Garden Patio Villas land. In addition, common elements require specific colors and a city permit.

Email, text or call the Board if you have questions. Click on this link to view the full diagram pictured above of owner’s villa property boundaries. All owners need to confirm they are within their own property. You can not plant or build on Association land. You can not plant or build on your neighbor’s land. If you want to plant on your own land you need to fill out a Planting and Landscaping Form and submit it to the Board of Directors for approval first.

Let’s work together and maintain our green landscaping! Our Association rules help to main the beauty and property values of each of our homes!

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