Garden Patio Villas - 55+ Community

7708 Margate Blvd., Margate, Florida

Qualifications to Be on the Board of Directors

Do you have an interest in being on Garden Patio Villa’s Board of Directors? There are qualifications to be on the Board that are found in our Governing Documents along with the Florida State Statutes. Being on the Board, takes 5-10 hours a week. Are you interested in helping make decisions for our Association?

What are the qualifications to be on the Board?

  1. Must be a Member of Garden Patio Villas and listed on the deed of a dwelling unit.
  2. No delinquent dues, assessments or current violations from our Governing Documents.
  3. No convicted felonies.
  4. Complete Board Certification Course within 90 days of getting on the Board.
  5. Sign Code of Conduct to follow Association and State rules.

What are some ideal skills in being a good Board Member?

  1. Honesty
  2. Transparency
  3. Consistency
  4. Team Player
  5. Willing to Serve
  6. Communication skills
  7. Organization skills
  8. Computer skills
  9. Management skills
  10. Available to accomplish tasks

If you are interested in running for a Board position, read the Nominee rules and submit the “Board of Directors Nominee Application” before 30 days of the Annual Member Meeting.

For more information on all five Board positions and what they each entail, read Powers and Duties of Garden Patio Villa’s Board of Directors.

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Garden Patio Villas