Garden Patio Villas - 55+ Community

7708 Margate Blvd., Margate, Florida

How Our Maintenance Fees Get Spent

Are you wondering how our quarterly maintenance fees get spent? Our Treasurer puts together monthly reports to help you see the Association’s monthly expenses. We publish them monthly to all Members. The Board of Directors should always be transparent with how maintenance fees get spent!

Here are Garden Patio Villa’s 2023 expenses shown by percentage for the year, as perceived, for the entire year. This is a rounded percent how and where all monies were spent. Over half of our budget (62%) goes towards water and lawn care! That is over half the budget!

Being transparent of the Association’s finances is important for all our Members! It is the duty of your Board to manage the HOA’s finances by keeping financial records and a financial budget. Remember our Association mission statement: To maintain the community and increase homeowner value. If you want to know more detail how our maintenance fees get spent, contact Garden Patio Villas!

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Garden Patio Villas