Garden Patio Villas - 55+ Community

7708 Margate Blvd., Margate, Florida

Sprinkler Pump Gets Clogged

Garden Patio Villas (GPV) had to turn off the sprinklers for a while this past month because our sprinkler pump was clogged. Frank with A Total Lawn Care came out with a small boat to investigate to see how bad it looked. He was unsure why it got clogged (other than normal wear) and that there could have been a greater problem.

We knew that because it was the summer months, the rain would continue to water our lawns and we could shut the sprinklers off for a week white Frank got the boat and did the work.

As you can see in this picture, our sprinkler pump was very dirty! Since we had placed it at the south east end of our association, it had not been cleaned. The sprinkler pump is now cleaned and our sprinklers are up and working fine!

Frank comes out every quarter to do sprinkler checks to make sure all sprinklers are working correctly. You can always check dates on our Garden Patio Villas calendar! If you have a sprinkler problem, contact us and Maintenance will add your villa number to our next sprinkler check!

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Garden Patio Villas