Garden Patio Villas - 55+ Community

7708 Margate Blvd., Margate, Florida

Republic Service’s Garbage, Recycle, Bulk Pickup

Republic Services – 954-583-1830

Garbage, Recycle and Bulk Pickup

The city of Margate is uses Republic Services for garbage, recycle and bulk pickup. Members should continue to use the green bin for trash (collected twice each week) and the blue bin for recycling (collected once per week). For specific items allowed or not allow, you can view the Margate/Republic Services Flyer for specific detail!


As a Community, let’s keep our Garden Patio Villas neighborhood beautiful for all of us to enjoy!

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SEO Does Matter Inc
Margate, FL
(754) 227 9876
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GPV Bluehost

Garden Patio Villas