Garden Patio Villas - 55+ HOA Community

7708 Margate Blvd., Margate, Florida

HOA & Community Articles

In 1976, my parents purchased a villa at Garden Patio Villas which was part of the original model row. Back in those days, I-95 was nearing initial completion. Access from Miami to West Palm Beach via I-95 became possible. Atlantic Blvd. as we know it, did not have ramp access off of I-95, using 441-State […]

Extreme Maintenance at Garden Patio Villas

The Board of Directors from Garden Patio Villas Association approved the work to be done to our sprinkler pump a week ago. The work was completed and all went well! The sprinkler issue is resolved! The pipe to get water was extended to a higher canal area. The results mean we will now be able […]

We sadly announce that Arnaldo Aguiar, lost his battle with cancer on February 19, 2021 at 2:20pm. He is survived by his wife Elza Aguiar, his 2 sons, Junior & Alison, and his 2 daughters, Raquel and Flaviana; as well as grandkids and extended family. He was a resident of our community, Garden Patio Villas, […]

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of long time resident Bernice Mail. She died Monday January 25, 2021. Bernice was immediate past President of Garden Patio Villas HOA. She gave over 20 years of service to the community. One of Bernice’s rules was to never call her between 1-3pm because that was […]

The Iguana is an invasive species not native to Florida. They were first sighted in Miami-Dade County back in the 1960’s. They have taken over the canal and golf course surrounding Garden Patio Villas. In fact, they seem to be everywhere you look in the city of Margate, Fl. The first Iguana’s are thought to […]

In our 55+ community, all owners have light domes that automatically turn on in the evening. The domes are maintained by Garden Patio Villas and taken care of when there are issues with these lights. These dome lights are very valuable because they are also our night lighting within our home owners association. This past […]

Does the exterior of your villa look tidy, attractive and abide by our “Rules and Regulations”? The Board of Directors will pick a winner each quarter and the winner will get a $25 gift card along with a certificate of achievement! A photo of your villa will be added to our website for everyone to […]

Your homeowners association, Garden Patio Villas, started working on Friday, September 25th. The goal was to prevent hurricane damage by removing two problematic, split trees in addition to some trimming of other seriously overgrown trees that were a concern to our community.  The story begins… Our tree company, Farina Tree Care,  showed up with two […]

As you know, our Homeowners Association pays for everyone’s water. This is included in your maintenance fees! What happens to our HOA finances when there is a running toilet? When an Owner has a running toilet, it raises our water bill! This is not free water! If the running toilet is ignored over a couple […]

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Garden Patio Villas