UPDATES: As of February 1, 2022, this is outdated. See new article with Republic Services.
A reminder to all Members;
Wednesdays are our garage and bulk pick up day. Any cardboard boxes need to be broken down. If you can, put the broken down cardboard into the recycle bin for Saturday. You can put bulk pick up items out a day or two early. Several of our residents put cardboard boxes out without breaking them down. Let’s follow the correct procedure, please!
For proper bulk pickup and yard waste items, read the rules on our city’s web page at: https://www.margatefl.com/313/Bulk-Yard-Waste
Saturdays are our garbage and recycle day. (BLUE) Recycle bins are put out on Saturdays along with the garbage bin. You should NEVER put any garbage in the recycle bin! One contaminated garbage item contaminates the entire recycle bin. If you are uncertain, it’s better to put the item in the (GREEN) garbage bin then to contaminate the recycle bin.
If you are uncertain whether an item belongs inside the garbage bin or the recycle bin, use this handy waste wizard and it will tell you. Go to: https://www.margatefl.com/622/Waste-Wizard
For proper recycle rules, go to our city’s web page and read what is allowed along with the video at: https://www.margatefl.com/294/Recycling
Thank you for your help in this matter! Let’s keep Garden Patio Villas Association beautiful! Our HOA matters!